
Relationships can be fulfilling, nurturing, revealing and perpetually keep us nestled in a cocoon of acceptance.

Relationships can also be painful, keep us in a state of peril, deprivation, and longing for different.

Remarkably, we get to choose and model the relationship we desire.
I didn’t know different until I learned better.

If you desire an extraordinary relationship with another then that’s exactly what you can have. Extraordinary means; you can be mentally, emotionally and spiritually naked. It means that intimacy both sexual and communicative produces ecstasy.

When you’re in an extraordinary relationship you know that when sadness, confusion, judgment, shame or whatever shows-up; that deprives you from your usual daily experiences of joy, it’s only temporary. When you’re in an extraordinary relationship you feel expansive, boundless, creative, and the possibilities for your life seem endless. You become abundantly Aware and clear that the dreams you have can actually become your reality.

The aforementioned are the reality and experiences of what an extraordinary relationship produces.


To have an extraordinary relationship, it’s necessary for you to understand the real value of You.


Relationships can be fulfilling, nurturing, revealing and perpetually keep you nestled in a cocoon of acceptance.

Do you know your value?

Do you desire an extraordinary relationship?

What kind of relationship do you have?