
Mindful Monday

Is Stress Real?

Stress is the gateway drug to anxiety, high blood pressure, brain fog and much more.
So on this Mindful Monday, RaShawn-Renée shares how to dimish and/or eliminate stress.

It really does work…. IF you DO IT!

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Video Transcription

Hello hello hello, Stress!

Stress is what we’re talking about today. Are you stressed out? Are you feeling stress right now? Are you -EEEEK! About something? 

We all have it. And where do we carry it? We carry it in our shoulders, we carry it in our neck, we carry it in our mind. We’re out of flux throughout the day. You know studies tell us that stress, what does it do? It affects your mental well-being, it affects your emotional well being and it affects you physically. And it doesn’t affect you beneficially, it actually diminishes all of those things which means it interrupts all of those things. So you’ve got to get rid of the stress. 

And how do you do it? I’m gonna share something that works for me, I’m gonna share something that works for the members of our family, I’m going to share something that works for the people I coach. I’m gonna share something that works. 

So I have the expectation since I’m telling you it’s working that you will do it too. 

The first thing is, you want to acknowledge that you’re having it. Like, 

‘what’s going on in my shoulders, why are they so tight?’ 

‘why am I having these perpetual whirling thoughts where I can’t focus on anything?’ 

‘why am I just feeling not myself?’ 

‘Why am I feeling a little sad?

Why am I feeling congested in my emotions?


So first, you acknowledge it and then once you acknowledge it, quietly ask yourself….. Did you see that, I kind of closed my eyes, cause that’s what I mean, I mean you go inward. Quietly ask yourself: what can I do? What can I do right now that could alleviate, eliminate, dissolve, diminish, remove this stress?

And once you hear what your answer is then take the first actionable step to doing whatever that is. And then you take the next step if it’s a second step. And then you take the next step if it’s a thrid step, and then you take the next step if it’s a forth step. You will do it because you know each step you’re taking, you’re feeling the stress really move from you, so do it okay? 

Make sure you do it.

Don’t let stress be a part of you, it’s not necessary, because you have the solutions. 

It’s me, RaShawn-Renee. And this is Mindful Monday. Be mindful of what you’re feeling, be mindful of what you’re thinking and take an actionable step to eliminate stress. 

See you next time, bye for now. 

*blows kiss* I want you to grab the kiss, put it in your heart, it’s your stress releaser. And I’ll see you soon.