
You are signed up for the 4-Day Engagement

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Congratulations for making a Self-Honoring Choice! A Self-Honoring Choice is a choice that includes adding value and contributes to building long-term self- respect, regard, and esteem.

Yes! You did it…. You made a Self-Honoring Choice by deciding to view our 4-day engagement.

Join the Real Truth CollectiveThis 4-day event, along with all future events are held in our Facebook Group — Real Truth Collective, join now.

Oh! One more thing…. There’s another something special we’d like to give You. Please listen below to the complimentary audible chapter of 44 Hours and 21 Minutes; A Women’s Truth and Power. This chapter is another way of saying congratulations to You for the choice You made.

We welcome and enjoy reading your comments, discoveries, insights and learnings from your complimentary chapter.

Truth and Power,

“When you’re ready for the inward journey of excavation, what you find deep within free’s your mind and expands your life.”
