What is Real Truth and Power?
Real Truth and Power is the totality of You; when you’re living with Whole-Self-Acceptance.
It is the aspect of You that is courageous and allows your thoughts to be reflective, discerning and inquisitive before taking action.
It is the you that lives without shame, regret, hatred of self or another. It is the Knowingness that your actions are contributing to making life better. It is the most spectacular gift given and it can only be given to You by You.
When you are living your Real Truth and Power you are releasing the thoughts and actions that compromise who you truly are and who you truly want to be. You are continuously learning from all the experiences in your life and day by day you step more into your Grandeur.
When you are living your Real Truth and Power you have the Awareness that you are Valuable, you are Precious, you are Magnificent, all of your life is for your learning and You are the Prize!
When you live in your Real Truth and Power, you can look in the mirror with your head held high, shoulders back, smile; while looking deeply into your eyes and say, “I Love me, I Love who I am, I Love the Self-Honoring Choices I make, and I am wholly proud of the person I am and the person I am more becoming, YES! I really Love me.”
Real Truth and Power is the totality of You when you’re living with Whole-Self-Acceptance.