Don’t Be a Fool In Your Relationships
Day 2
It’s day 2 and this is an especially big day because we are going to being the EER Process more deeply. Meaning this is our day of Excavation.
It may feel a little uncomfortable and I want You to remind yourself; change is uncomfortable yet, necessary for growth.
Think about the beauty of caterpillars to crystals to butterflies. Change, change, change and beauty comes. That’s what you’re doing, changing so that you can reveal the Real beauty of You…. it’s your essence.
Excavation means you have the unique opportunity to look at some of your past relationships and how they are affecting who you are and who you will continue to be until you excavate.
The Excavation Process is a necessity when you’re choosing Wholly-Fulfilling relationships. Below, we’ve created a Love Sheet to support You on your journey.
PS. Remember, your relationship(s) have the most influence on who you are and who you will become. So, learn more about You and create the relationship(s) desire.
When you click below, you’ll receive today’s Lovesheet.