Don’t Be a Fool In Your Relationships
Day 4
Remember, all relationships are byproducts of your conditioning until you Excavate, Examine and Release. To communicate more clearly, EER is a necessary process for experiencing relationships that desire honesty, acceptance, mutual adoration and respect of individuality.
Imagine, what your life is going to feel like, vision what your life will look like, when you are experiencing the relationship(s) of your dreams and desires.
Enjoy this day and the learnings.
Remember, all relationships are byproducts of your conditioning until you Excavate, Examine and Release. To communicate more clearly, EER is a necessary process for experiencing relationships that desire honesty, acceptance, mutual adoration and respect of individuality.
To know what you desire is another way of saying you’re ready. You’re ready to Step into Your Grandeur.
Imagine, what your life is going to feel like, vision what your life will look like, when you are experiencing the relationship(s) of your dreams and desires.
Enjoy this day and the learnings.
Take the next step and Step into Your Grandeur…. this is your time. You’re ready!
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If you would like to know more about our flagship course, A Step Into the Grandeur-of-You: The Relationship Series, click here.