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Don’t Be a Fool In Relationships 4-Day Engagement

You will receive an email with a link to begin day 1 shortly.

Congratulations for making a Self-Honoring Choice! A Self-Honoring Choice is a choice that includes adding value and contributes to building long-term self-respect, regard and esteem.

Yes! You did it…. You made a Self-Honoring Choice by deciding to join us each day for the next 4 days. We are so pleased that You will be attending and look forward to seeing You there.


Here’s how You can prepare for this life-enhancing 4-day engagement


Step 1: Add AboutYou@RealTruthIntl.com to your contacts.

This allows you to make sure each daily email is going to your inbox.

Step 3: Participate in the Facebook Collective!

Click here to join our Real Truth Collective Facebook Group now to engage with like-minded individuals and be the first to hear about other upcoming events.


Because you made the choice and said YES!

Every day we make choices. Each choice has an outcome. Listen to Chapter 11 from 44 Hours and 21 Minutes; A Women’s Truth and Powerand gain deeper understanding of your choices and the power of Choice-Points.

After listening, please go to your Real Truth Collective Facebook Group (it’s yours now you’ve joined) and share your insights, learnings and/or comments.

What you share benefits us all. Thank you for sharing.

Truth and Power,

“When you’re ready for the inward journey of excavation, what you find deep within free’s your mind and expands your life.”
