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Are you or have you been a fool in your relationships?
You can change that…. You can learn from that.

4 days, 21 minutes per day = No longer being foolish

  • See what caused You to make the [foolish] choices You did.
  • Understand you weren’t a fool, You just didn’t know enough about You.
  • Learn how to make choices that benefit your life and build your self-esteem.
  • Gain the discernment to know which relationships are good for You and those you need to release

The Real Truth Process creates a life that empowers You to live with courage, confidence, truth and power which continuously moves your life upward. Succinctly said, your life gets better, and better, and better…. Because when you know your Real Truth and Power, You can never be foolish.

You will want to experience this!

*By submitting, you’ll receive periodically; emails, inspirations, offers and other free access.

“When you’re ready for the inward journey of excavation, what you find deep within free’s your mind and expands your life.”


Live Your Ultimate Life

Are you ready to live the deeply happy life that you were put on earth to live? And, at the same time, attract your ideal partner and relationship?

Sign up below to attend our free 4-Day Engagement, Don’t Be A Fool In Your Relationships, 4 days for 21 minutes a day and You will learn to excavate, examine and release the conditioning that has taught You to unconsciously block the relationship you truly desire…. and deserve.

*By submitting, you’ll receive periodically; emails, inspirations, offers and other free access.


What they say after being with RaShawn-Renée

RaShawn-Renée’s work has been a tremendous factor in fostering more love in my relationships… and from that, a better Life! With her first book, 44 Hours & 21 Minutes; A Woman’s Truth and Power to her newest release: Learn You More, Love you More!, I’ve come to expect that anything she has to offer is going to impart an opportunity for deeper, more fulfilling connection. There is an alignment I experienced once I started applying her teachings to any one area of my life (no matter if I was focused on my career or marriage) the principles and learnings would string a chord through every area of my life and they each somehow managed to rise. Every. Single. One. It’s incredible!

RaShawn-Renée opened my heart to honest communication with myself towards others. It made me drop expectations of others and opened the door to loving myself more. I highly recommend this work to anyone who is struggling with a relationship with a loved one and/or themselves.

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