RaShawn-Renée Writing | Real Truth International


By definition a blog is to be written in an informal or conversational style.

Our blog is a conversation for your mental and emotional liberation.

Allow what you read to inform you by integrating what you read into your life to benefit you.

Mindful Monday | Has Your TRUST been Broken?

Mindful Monday | Has Your TRUST been Broken?

When trust is broken, it’s subtle. Yet it seems to permeate everything. I’m going to get personal now…. it’s like a decaying tooth in your mouth and no matter how many times you brush your teeth or rinse your mouth, the stench doesn’t go away -UNTIL! It’s EXTRACTED.

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Mindful Monday | Yes Stress is REAL!

Mindful Monday | Yes Stress is REAL!

In today’s Wisdom Wednesday with RaShawn-Renée, we are discussing STRESS. For more than a year you’ve heard the data given regarding the increase of people feeling stressed and the uptake of the medical conditions that are being exasperated by stress.

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Mindful Monday | Is Stress Real?

Mindful Monday | Is Stress Real?

Stress is the gateway drug to anxiety, high blood pressure, brain fog, and much more. So on this Mindful Monday, RaShawn-Renée shares how to diminish and/or eliminate stress.

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Mindful Monday | It’s Unnerving and Astonishing…. Did You Know?

Mindful Monday | It’s Unnerving and Astonishing…. Did You Know?

Woman’s History Month ended March 31st and today, it’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month. As we conclude the month that highlights the splendor and accomplishments of Woman, we walk into a month that’s spotlighting Sexual Assault. It’s heartbreaking to be aware that these numbers are on a rise…. And NOW, each of us can do our part to change them.

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Wisdom Wednesday | Define Your Status

Wisdom Wednesday | Define Your Status

When is the last time you made yourself a priority? In today’s Powerful #WisdomWednesday​ RaShawn-RaShawn-Renée provides an education in the hierarchy of You. Watch this video as we powerfully reveal the importance of understanding your birthright and the privileges and advantages it affords you.

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Mindful Monday | Don’t Listen to that Sh–!

Mindful Monday | Don’t Listen to that Sh–!

Okay, the song comes up: “I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it!” you know there’s a singer in me that likes to come out from time to time. I tell her, “stop!”. She doesn’t, she just comes out…. So I’m glad that you enjoy it because I really enjoy letting her out every once in a while -but I know not to sing too much. I won’t make you endure THAT!

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Wisdom Wednesday | How to Honor Yourself and the Women in Your Life

Wisdom Wednesday | How to Honor Yourself and the Women in Your Life

Today’s Wisdom Wednesday conversation is focused on how you can Honor yourself and the women in your life. Women have been conditioned to fight one another, not trust each other and compete for the attention (by any means necessary) of especially men. How do we release the current systemic conditioning and embrace our true and intrinsic nature and knowingness of…. kindness, generosity, inclusivity and forgiveness.

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Mindful Monday | Do You Choose Happiness?

Mindful Monday | Do You Choose Happiness?

“if you want a better life…. Choose Happiness!” AND! if you do as she recommends, you’ll experience more it (Happiness). So watch this video then take action -Do it! Today, Tomorrow and the next day…. CHOOSE HAPPINESS.

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Wisdom Wednesday | Learn, Accept, Embrace & Celebrate You

Wisdom Wednesday | Learn, Accept, Embrace & Celebrate You

I’m so happy that you’re here. Here’s what I want to say, thank you for being here, thank you for joining us again, and thank you for honoring yourself enough to show up. And what I mean by that is each time you’re here on Wednesday Wisdom, what you were communicating to yourself is you are valuable and that’s what we’re talking about today. You are valuable, you knowing your value.

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Wisdom Wednesday | Fully Seen While Being Wholly You

Wisdom Wednesday | Fully Seen While Being Wholly You

You Matter ~ How You Live Matters. Living from the mountain top of your life is a metaphor that means…. you see and experience a majestic, beautiful, wow-inspiring and Love filled life. So, it’s time for You to learn to live from the mountain top…. it awaits You. Life is so good when you’re living from the mountain top.

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Wisdom Wednesday | You Are Valuable

Wisdom Wednesday | You Are Valuable

You Matter ~ How You Live Matters
Living from the mountain top of your life is a metaphor that means…. you see and experience a majestic, beautiful, wow-inspiring and Love filled life.

So, it’s time for You to learn to live from the mountain top…. it awaits You.

Life is so good when you’re living from the mountain top.

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Wisdom Wednesday | Loving Through the Seemingly Hard Heartiday Season

Wisdom Wednesday | Loving Through the Seemingly Hard Heartiday Season

Experience joy and loving this Heartiday Season. We understand this Heartiday Season is seemingly difficult for many…. Which is why on today’s #WisdomWednesday LIVE with RaShawn-Renée, we are only talking about the things that add love to your life, bring You joy, and add a smile to your face and your heart.

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Wisdom Wednesday | Resolve to Reveal

Wisdom Wednesday | Resolve to Reveal

Are you accustomed to believing in the phrase, “New Year, New You”? The Real Truth is, there is no such thing as a NEW YOU…. there is only the REAL YOU. And THAT! Is freedom! Tune in to today’s LIVE event to learn more. These live events are hosted through Facebook and are a great way to get your mid-week inspiration and reveal-ation about You.

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What Is Real Truth?

What Is Real Truth?

Real Truth is a direct path and by-product of Self-Honoring-Choices. To know Real Truth, you must first get to know you. You beyond and before familial and societal conditioning altered your Truth. The systemic conditioning that influences the choices you make, the way you think, the condemning self-talk you have and the biases you currently hold.

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If you desire an extraordinary relationship with another then that’s exactly what you can have. Extraordinary means; you can be mentally, emotionally and spiritually naked. It means that intimacy both sexual and communicative produces ecstasy.

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You Are Valuable

You Are Valuable

Hello Precious One,

Yes! I’m addressing speaking and writing to you. As I write this note by hand (which will later be typed) I’m smiling from ear to ear as I communicate to you the appropriate words to describe YOU.

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“Words are powerful; they carry emotional currency. They become what informs our thinking and serve as liberators or oppressors.“
